Indian actress Surveen Chawla who appeared in forthcoming Bollywood drama thriller Hate Story 2 has shocked everyone yet again as she has done a hot photoshoot for Maxim India magazine July 2014 issue. She is looking very sexy in a 2 piece bikini flaunting her hotness. In one click she has spotted siting on a car and her well toned legs can make anyone fall for her.
In her upcoming film which is Hate Story 2 she is played the lead character of Sonika while on the other hand new comer actor Jay Bhanushali will be seen as Akshay in it. This Vishay Pandya directorial is the sequel of 2012 film of same title. It is scheduled to release on 18 July 2014 in cinemas worldwide.
Check out this hot and unseen avatar of actress in below section:
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